Úvod léto2024-04-05T23:47:18+02:00
It’s up to you whether you choose Alpine four thousand peak or ascent in the High Tatras

Peak ascents

We provide you alpine ascent and we lead you as an individual or a group to set goal in the mountain environment. It ’s up to you whether you choose an Alpine four thousands peak or you go to the High Tatras…

Classic mountaineering in the mountain walls and climbing in the ridge paths


Classic mountaineering ascents in the mountain walls and ridges. Climbing in the Alpine countries and High Tatras. In full exposure in footprints of Rébuffat or Stanisławski.

Rock climbing or sport climbing in big walls

Rock climbing and bigwall

It’s up to you whether you choose single-pitch climbing on limestone or on the czech sandstone or you want to do sport climbing or classical climbing in multi-pitch routes.

Do you want to make your loved ones pleasure and give them an exceptional experience? You can buy them any event from us in the form of a gift voucher. The gift voucher is possible to prepare to measure.

For beginner climbers who want to move from gym to rocks

Rock climbing course

Basic knowledge of climbing movement on rocks or an artificial wall, work with a rope and safety instruments, abseiling and knowledge of climbing terminology are assumed.

The courses can be one to three-days, depending on the agreement.

Course for all adventurers who wants to move in the high mountains

Glacier course

For whose who want to conquer alpine giants or just to stroll through the beautiful valleys covered with snow and ice. Walking with crampons, use of ice ax and rope. Orientation on the glacier, sérac  and avalanche danger, help in falling into a glacier rift – you will learn all this. For those who want to go to the high mountains.

Do you want to start climbing? On a climbing wall or outside on the rocks? We can dedicate you to it.

Basic climbing course

The course contains a basic methodology for climbing. We will teach you how to tie to rope correctly, how to tie climbing knots that have a versatile use, how to properly secure, how to work with rope during climbing and securing. You will be prepared to climb at the first end of the rope.

What’s new

Chamonix summer 2022

Jaké bylo loňské léto v Chamonix? Kouzelné, už nejen díky stálému slunečnému počasí, ale i kvůli množství [...]

High Tatras autumn 2022

Máme pro vás připravenou podzimní nabídku výstupů na tatranské štíty. Včetně horolezeckých výstupů v tatranských žulových stěnách. [...]

Pavel Žofka

Professional IFMGA mountain guide

Climbing, mountains, ski-mountaineering and skiing in the open terrain became my drug.

Provizorní text: Výstup na Prostredný hrot cez Dubkeho lávku so zlaňovaním v Stillovom žľabe. S Pavlom to bol opäť jedinečný zážitok a veľmi pekné lezenie. Všetko v pohode, priateľsky a profesionálne. Už teraz sa teším na ďalšie skalné dobrodružstvo.

Peter Javorčík, Prostredný hrot

Provizorní text: Úžasný zážitok s priateľským a maximálne profesionálným vodcom. Nevedela by som si predstaviť lepšieho vodcu v tento deň. Vybavenie mal v top stave, výborne načasovaný výstup s luxusným počasím. Cítila som sa po celý čas bezpečne istená, s jasnými inštrukciami. Určite si v budúcnosti naplánujeme ďalšie výstupy.

Petra Kopčáková, Gerlachovský štít

Provizorní text: Naprosto skvělá akce ve skvělé partě lidí! Přednášky, lezení, výuka – vše s humorem a ve skvělém tempu. Vřele doporučuji tento kurz všem, co to s lezením v zimních horách myslí vážně.

Petr Palášek, Kurz lezení ledů

Skitour Centrum

Ski-touring rental and sale of outdoor equipment

Outdoor eShop Rock Art

We offer ski-touring, running and outdoor equipment.
In our eShop or in our store in Dolní Morava.

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